
Rainbow prioritises responsible and fair employment practices and minimises the use of temporary labour by offering permanent employment contracts at all levels of the Company.

We are committed to providing a work environment in which everyone is treated with respect. Rainbow is an equal opportunity employer and we do not tolerate discrimination against any of our employees on any grounds (including race, creed, gender, sexuality) and will treat any instances of discrimination as serious misconduct.

Rainbow has systems and policies in place to encourage ethical practices throughout the business, including our Code of Conduct. Further detail on the Company’s anti-bribery and whistleblowing policies is available in Corporate Governance.

Our core values aim to inform a constructive and positive culture at Rainbow. Based on six key principles, the purpose of our values is to guide our daily behaviour and practices.

Zero Harm – to our people, to the local population, to the wider community and the environment.

Integrity – undertaking all our business dealings and relationships with the utmost integrity.

Respect – for our colleagues, for our local communities and for our customers and stakeholders.

Accountability – to be willing to take responsibility for all our actions.

Transparency – to conduct all of our business dealings to the highest level of transparency.

Courage – to be prepared to persevere when others would not.